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China Successfully Launched the GF-9 Satellite
SOURCE: China Space News     UPDATED: 2015-09-25

At 12:42 on September 14, 2015, China launched the LM-2D launch vehicle from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, successfully sending the GF-9 satellite into space.

The GF-9 is a high-resolution optical remote sensing satellite. Its ground pixel resolution can reach sub-meter level, mainly used in land survey, urban planning, land ownership confirmation, road network design, crop yield estimation and disaster prevention and reduction, and other fields. The satellite can provide information services for One Belt One Road and other major national strategy implementation and national defense modernization construction.

The GF-9 satellite and LM-2D carrier rocket were developed by China Academy of Space Technology and Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation respectively. This is the 209th flight of the Long March series carrier rockets.