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Chinese VP Stresses Peaceful Use of Space
SOURCE: Xinhua     UPDATED: 2013-09-25

BEIJING, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao on Monday called for peaceful exploration and use of space so as to serve the interests of people and countries all over the world.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the 64th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2013), Li said space resources are the common wealth of mankind, and various countries enjoy equal rights to use such resources.

It would be a blessing for mankind if space technologies are used for peace; if they are used for war, it would be a human disaster, he said.

China is willing to share experiences with other countries in using space technologies to boost economic development, according to the vice president.

Adhering to the concept of cooperative space exploration, China will boost international exchanges and cooperation so as to achieve peaceful use of space and common development of humankind, he vowed.

The conference is scheduled to run from Sept. 23 to 27.